Install rTorrent with Flood on Ubuntu server

There are multiple web interface for rTorrent like the most known ruTorrent. But all these alternatives haven’t a good UI. Here comes Flood, A modern web UI for rTorrent with a Node.js backend and React frontend.

The project is still work-in-progress but it’s already usable and features are added frequently.

You can find their Github here and more screenshots :

1. Install rTorrent

The easiest way is to install it from the repo, run:

apt-get install rtorrent -y

2. Configure rTorrent

We need to create a dedicated user to avoid running rTorrent with root:

adduser --disabled-password rtorrent

Now we will create a configuration file :

nano /home/rtorrent/.rtorrent.rc

and copy the following:

# Where rTorrent saves the downloaded files
directory = /srv/torrent/downloads

You can customize the downloads path

If you haven’t created the folders (download and session), you need to do it :

mkdir /srv/torrent

And set the permissions

chmod 775 -R /srv/torrent

Then we need to create a systemd startup service to launch rTorrent at boot

nano /etc/systemd/system/rtorrent.service

And add to the file :


Then enable it at boot and start it :

systemctl enable rtorrent.service

3. Install Flood

You need first to install Node.js :

curl -sL | sudo -E bash -

if you don’t have Curl installed :

apt-get install curl

Then clone their repo:

cd /srv/torrent

if you don’t have Git installed :

apt-get install git

We need copy template config file:

cd flood

Then install Flood :

npm install --production

4. Start Flood

Before lauching flood we will create a systemD to lauch Flood at startup ( easier to start , stop )

Create a dedicated user to run Flood:

adduser --disabled-password flood

Add permissions

chown -R flood:flood /srv/torrent/flood/

Then create the script :

nano /etc/systemd/system/flood.service

and copy this:


Enable it at boot and start it:

systemctl enable flood

5. Testing

systemctl start flood

You should now can access it with http://YourIP:3000
Finally it will ask you to create a user/password and you’re ready to go.

Congratulation ! Flood with rTorrent is installed 🙂

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